Touch Club 親子嬰兒按摩公益課





我們是一班義務導師、訓練員及治療師希望藉著觸感治療為你的身心靈健康加油及打氣。 A group of PIMI & CIMI® Trainer and IFA Aromatherapist began our volunteer program We provided aromatherapy to elderly with pain and those in hospice care since 2005. Most recently, we extend our training program to provide specialized education and inspiration for massage therapists, medical personnel, and parents committed to addressing the needs of medically challenged infants and children who are hospitalized or in hospice care. * · 痛症處理 (Pain Management) * · 嬰幼兒按摩及觸感治療(Baby /Pediatric Massage) * · 推廣無痛工程計劃(Promoting The “Touch” Project) * · 透過無痛工程計劃提升身心健康 無痛工程是由一班已受訓的專業義工組織,並且是非牟利。他們以香薰治療及觸感治療理念,幫助有長期病患及痛症的人士。 The “Touch” Project of the H3Touch is a non-profit volunteer based organization which provides compassionate touch massage therapy free of charge to men, women, infants and children living with pain and terminal illnesses. 日期:星期二上午及星期日 時間:上午10-12時 地點: H3TOUCH工作室 (尖沙咀) WHATSAPPS 52173169. 名額有限!!! 本活動並不收取參加費用, 隨喜你的捐獻以助活動可延續下去.
