



日期: 2024年11月12日及19日月(星期二) zoom live lecture 11月31日或12月1日(實習) 時間:1900-2200 (zoom) 1200-2000 (in person practice) 地點: 面授 (荔枝角)或 Zoom live 或self study 費用:包括教材,導師手冊,考試費及教具公仔 Upon completion of this CIMI course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the benefits of infant massage for both infant and parent and be able to actively engage a parent or primary caregiver in performing infant massage. 2. Recall the history of infant massage as a parenting practice used worldwide. 3. Recall a variety of evidence-based research studies in touching, tactile sensory stimulation and parent relationship and the importance to the healthy growth and development of infant or child. 4. Know the differences in teaching the basic H3 Touch Parent Infant Massage/Yoga stroke techniques and sequence on a healthy or medically fragile newborn. 5. List the needed supplies and how to prepare the parents with infants in positions that are comfortable and safe to perform massage. 6. Demonstrate the skills and techniques of infant massage/Yoga to parents and or/primary caregivers with the use of a doll. 7. Know and be able to communicate the four main benefits of infant massage/yoga. 8. Identify through class observations parent-infant cues leading to an infant’s ability to willingly or unwillingly engage in reciprocal interaction. 9. Identify the six states of awareness in a newborn and understand which state is optimal for an infant to receive massage and which states are not. 10. Define good parent infant communication that will promote social emotional development between parent and infant. 11. Identify medically challenged children and how infant massage techniques can be applied in these special situations. 12. Demonstrate stroke variations for healthy, medically fragile and medically challenged children. 13. Identify the various types oils or lubricants to be used and how to detect and test for an allergic reaction. 14. Know the indications and contraindications for infant massage/yoga. 15. Define the elements of bonding and attachment and how it interacts with infant massage. 16. Define the effects of painful and pleasurable touch on the hospitalized infant or child.

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